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3.8. Tasks in WebApp

In the task folder a to-do list can be created and managed. A task is created with the following steps:
  1. Select the folder Tasks
  2. Use the button New to create a new task. A New Task dialog will be opened as shown in Figuur 3.26, “New task window”.
    New task window
    Figuur 3.26. New task window

  3. Fill in the preferred fields. The fields in this window are comparable with those in the New Appointment dialog.
  4. Use the Save button to confirm. The task can now be found in the task overview.
Task overview
Figuur 3.27. Task overview

3.8.1. Tasks views

With the View button in the main toolbar the tasks can be displayed with certain filterings. The WebApp offers the ability to:
  • Show all tasks
  • Show only the Completed tasks
  • Show active tasks
  • Show tasks for upcoming 7 days
  • Show the overdue tasks