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2.4. Email

2.4.1. Compose and send a new email

  1. Select the button New in the left corner. This will show a dialog like Abbildung 2.7, „Create Mail“.
    Create Mail
    Abbildung 2.7. Create Mail

  2. Attachments can be added to the email by selecting the Attachment button or the Paperclip icon.
  3. Email can be saved by selecting the Floppy disk icon. After a email is saved, it is stored in the Drafts folder.
  4. To set a flag that marks the email as important or high priority, click on the exclamation mark (!) icon.
  5. To add a recipient, either add their email address in the TO, CC, or BCC field manually, or select a person from the Address Book. To access the Address Book, click on the TO, CC or BCC button.


    When more than one recipient is added, email addresses need to be seperated by a semicolon (;).
  6. The internal users are shown by default (unless otherwise selected in Settings) in the Address Book (see: Abbildung 2.8, „Address Book“). By using the Show names from the: drop-down menu, it is possible to view contacts from either a personal contacts folders, or a Public contact folder. Alternatively, it is possible to search a folder using the search field positioned in the top left of the window.
Address Book
Abbildung 2.8. Address Book


Since 6.30.0 it is possible to add company-wide defined address lists in the Address Book. Read the ZCP Administrator Manual for more details regarding address lists. Automatic email address suggestion

When typing an email address or contact information in the TO, CC or BCC fields the WebAccess automatically suggests names (a feature often known as auto complete). The suggestions are listed below the input field (see: Abbildung 2.9, „Automatic Suggestions“) and a suggestion can be selected by both mouse or keyboard. The suggestions are based on email addresses and contact information that have been used recently.
It is possible to delete an address from this list by moving the selection to the address in question (by either using the keyboard arrows or by placing the mouse over it without clicking) and then pressing the Delete key. The address is removed, but when it is used again it will show up in the list once more.
Automatic suggestions
Abbildung 2.9. Automatic Suggestions Attachments

You can attach files to your message by clicking the Attachments button in the Create E-Mail screen. A window will open, which allows files to be uploaded.
From ZCP 6.50 up it is possible to upload multiple attachments at once. Prior versions of ZCP only allow the upload of one file at a time.


To upload multiple files at once, Adobe Flash has to be installed in the browser. Set the sender address (from field)

It is possible to set the FROM address of emails before they are sent. This field can be found above the TO field, as shown in Abbildung 2.10, „Selecting a from address“. When no address has been selected the default address is used.
Selecting a from address
Abbildung 2.10. Selecting a from address


Please note that the FROM field is only displayed when FROM addresses have been set in the settings dialog.
Adding From addresses
Abbildung 2.11. Adding From Addresses


Please contact the systems administrator, if the following (bounce) message is returned when sending from a different sender adress: You are not allowed to send as the given user.
Since ZCP version 6.20.0 two kinds of delegation are available:
  1. Send on Behalf permissions: if a user grants the appropriate permission to another user, the latter can send items on behalf of the other user. In this case an email or meeting request will be sent with the following From field: “<delegate> on behalf of <user>”.
  2. Send As permissions: if the system administrator gives the rights to user B to ‘send as’ user A, the receiver of an email will not see that user B sent an email. The receiver will only see user A in the From: field.
Before ZCP version 6.20.0, user themselves where allowed to “send on behalf of” by entering the other users inbox. By this method it was always explicitly visible who sent the email. For example: Pete enters the inbox of ‘info’ and sends an email as the non-active user ‘info’, would result in: on behalf of
Since ZCP version 6.20.0 it is possible to send emails as other users without the “on behalf of” part. Due to security reasons the new “send as” permission is only configurable server-side by the administrator. This setting can always be overruled by the user itself and the old “on behalf of” permission can still be set by the user.
Keep in mind that delegation always overrules impersonation. A user can always choose not to let another user impersonate as himself. Saving an email to drafts

Saving an email is possible by clicking the Save (a floppy disk) icon. After saving the email, it is stored in the Drafts folder. Another option is to automatically save an unsent email. This option is available under the Compose Mail tab in the settings window. To do this, check the option Autosave unsent every: X minutes and set the number of minutes that mails will automatically be saved. This is only applicable when the email isn’t sent yet.

2.4.2. Inline images

From ZCP version 6.30.0 the WebAccess has the ability to add inline images in mail messages. To add an inline image, click on Attachments and select an image. If the ‘HTML’ format is being used (see Compose mail in this format in Settings, Compose mail tab), the inline image functionality is enabled. A light blue cross icon will appear beside the attachment as seen in Abbildung 2.12, „Light blue cross icon to insert the image as a inline image“. Click on the blue cross icon to insert the image in the mail body as shown in Abbildung 2.13, „Example of an Inline Image“. The inline image will inserted at the last cursor position.
Light blue cross icon to insert the image as a inline image
Abbildung 2.12. Light blue cross icon to insert the image as a inline image

Example of an Inline image
Abbildung 2.13. Example of an Inline Image

To change the image size, right click on the image and select Image properties. A popup like Abbildung 2.14, „Image properties editor“ will appear which enables the user to customize width and height of the image and options such as border and alignment.
Image properties editor
Abbildung 2.14. Image properties editor

It is possible to delete the inline image directly from the main body, as if it were text.
In some browsers it is possible to paste an image from your clipboard directly into the editor. This will embed the image into the source of the body and it means that it will not become an attachment. The image will be shown properly in Firefox and Internet Explorer 9, with limited support in Internet Explorer 8. In Outlook the image will not be visible properly.

2.4.3. Copy, move and delete email

The following screenshot (Abbildung 2.15, „Context menu from a mail message“) shows the context menu that shows up when clicking with the right mouse button on an email. Through this menu most copy, move and delete operations are performed. It also is possible to download a message as a file.
Context menu from a mail message
Abbildung 2.15. Context menu from a mail message Delete email

There are several ways to delete email. They are: Move email

To move a single items it is most convenient to simply drag the item to its new location. Place the mouse cursor over the item to be moved, click and hold the left mouse button. Continue to hold the button down while moving the mouse cursor until it is over the folder the message needs to be placed.
Moving email
Abbildung 2.16. Moving Email

Notice that the folder names under the mouse cursor are highlighted while moving. This highlighting marks the folder where the message will be placed when releasing the button.
To move multiple items, first select all the items (only items that are currently visible can be moved). To select a range of items click on the first item and then press and hold the shift button on the keyboard. Before releasing the shift button, use the mouse to click on the last item in the range that needs to be moved. All items between the two items clicked on will become highlighted.
With items that are not consecutive, hold down the control (Ctrl) button on the keyboard while clicking on each item. To drag and drop these items, release the control button, place the mouse cursor on one of the selected messages, drag them into the designated folder.
Items can also be moved by clicking on the copy/move button as displayed in Abbildung 2.17, „Copy/Move Button“.
It is also possible to drag and drop messages to the desktop. For more information about this feature, see Abschnitt 2.14.1, „Zarafa Attachment Drag ‘n’ Drop Extension“. Copy email

To copy an item, the drag-and-drop feature can not be used as it does not duplicate items. Instead use the copy/move button as shown in Abbildung 2.17, „Copy/Move Button“. See the section above about moving multiple items for an explanation concerning how to select multiple items.
Copy/Move button
Abbildung 2.17. Copy/Move Button Save Email as a File

From ZCP 6.50 up, it is possible to download messages directly from the Zarafa WebAccess to the computer. The Save Email as a File button located in the message context menu, as seen in Abbildung 2.18, „Save Email as a File button“, should be used to do so.
Save Email as a File button
Abbildung 2.18. Save Email as a File button Change email view

Context menu from a mail view column
Abbildung 2.19. Context menu form a mail view column

In the Zarafa WebAccess, the email view has a default layout: a list of messages with a From and a Received colomn. However, like in Outlook, it is possible to change the view by adding or removing columns. To do so, use the right mouse button to click on the header of the list (for example on the From header field) and select the Field Chooser option from the context menu. A dialog that looks like Abbildung 2.20, „Field Chooser“ will pop up.
Field Chooser
Abbildung 2.20. Field Chooser

Additionally, it is possible to sort the email list by selecting a specific column. By default email is sorted by the Received date column.

2.4.4. Searching

To search click the Search button in the tool bar. A seach bar (see: Abbildung 2.21, „Searching Options“) will then be added to the WebAccess view (to remove the search bar, click the Search button again).
Searching options
Abbildung 2.21. Searching Options

The seach bar allow a user to enter a search query and choose where to search. For example if a user remembers just a part of a message’s subject he can select Subject from the pull down menu. After the query is keyed in the user should click the Search button (binoculars icon) on the seach bar, or press the enter on the keyboard. As shown in Abbildung 2.22, „Search Result“, the email list is updated with the results of the search query.
Search Result
Abbildung 2.22. Search Result

When finished searching press the Clear button (red circle icon) to return to the normal list view. To remove the search bar click the Search button in the tool bar again.


Archiving functionality is provided by the Zarafa Archiver, a product that is be offered separately from ZCP.

2.4.5. Downloading Attachments

Attachments can be downloaded one by one, by right-clicking the attachment and selecting Save target as. From ZCP 6.50 up, it’s possible to download all attachments from a message at once, in a compressed ZIP file, by clicking the Download all Attachments button, as seen in Abbildung 2.23, „Message Attachments“.
Message Attachments
Abbildung 2.23. Message Attachments

2.4.6. Attach items to mail

To add items as attachments or forward them as text message in body of composing mail.
  1. Click on Attach Items button or envelope with paper clip icon (see: Abbildung 2.24, „Attach Item Dialog“).
    Attach Item Dailog
    Abbildung 2.24. Attach Item Dialog


    It’s possible to quickly forward e-mail messages as attachments. Right-click the Forward Items column in the message list.
  2. Browse through the message list and select the items need which to be attached.
    New mail with items
    Abbildung 2.25. New Mail with message items added as attachment


    Items can be attached as Text or as Attachment, By selecting the check box as required, by default, items are added as Attachments.


    Items can be quickly attached by doing a double click on selected items.


Attachments in the original e-mail are not forwarded with the new text message.