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2.10. Distribution Lists

Sending a mail to a distribution list is done in the same way as sending a mail to a single contact. Simply select the distribution list from the address list when adding entries to a TO, CC or BCC field. After selecting the distribution list, all mailaddresses will be placed in the chosen header field.

2.10.1. Creating new distribution lists

Select the Contacts folder the new distribution list has to be created in. Select the option Distribution List from the New button on the tool bar. A dialog as shown in Figure 2.52, “New Distribution list window” will open.
New Distribution list window
Figure 2.52. New Distribution list window

With the button Select Members contacts can be selected from the Address Book to add to the distribution list. Alternatively, the Add new button can be used to create a new contact that is added to the distribution list immediately.
Add new address dialog
Figure 2.53. Add new address dialog

With the button Remove selected contacts are removed from the distribution list. Contacts are selected by single clicks in the lower part of the dialog.
Notes can also be added to the distribution list from the Notes tab.