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2.8. Tasks

In the task folder a to-do list can be created and managed. A task is created with the following steps:
  1. Select the folder Tasks
  2. Use the button New to create a new task. A New Task dialog will be opened as shown in Figura 2.41, «New task window».
    New task window
    Figura 2.41. New task window

  3. Fill in the preferred fields. The fields in this window are comparable with those in the New Appointment dialog.
  4. Use the Save button to confirm. The task can now be found in the task overview.
Alternatively, new tasks can be created directly from the Tasks overview (see: Figura 2.42, «Task overview»). Right below the tool bar the fields for creating a new task as shown. Simply enter the field for a new task directly into these empty field and save it with the ENTER key.
Task overview
Figura 2.42. Task overview

2.8.1. Recurrence in Tasks

Task Recurrence
Figura 2.43. Task Recurrence Add/Change Recurrence in a Task

Only the owner of a task can change the task in a recurring task.
  1. Select Recurrence from menu in task dialog shown in Figura 2.41, «New task window». This pops-up a recurrence dialog as shown in Figura 2.43, «Task Recurrence».
  2. Select the frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) of recurrence.
  3. To specify when the task repeats, do one of the following:
    • Repeat the task at regular intervals: Click on options given on the right-side of Recurrence pattern to recur the task on specific intervals
    • Repeat task at interval after the date it is completed: Click Regenerate new task and fill the interval in the box.


Recurring tasks appear one at a time in the task list. When user marks one occurrence of the task complete, the next occurrence appears in the list. Remove Recurrence from a Task

  1. Open the recurring task
  2. Click Recurrence from menu in task dialog.
  3. Click Remove Recurrence as shown in Figura 2.43, «Task Recurrence»

2.8.2. Task Requests

In addition to creating tasks for oneself, a user can assign tasks to others by sending them a task requests.
Task Request
Figura 2.44. Task Request Assign a task to someone

  1. Click Assign Task from menu in task dialog as shown in Figura 2.41, «New task window». This will show Task request fields as shown in Figura 2.44, «Task Request».
  2. Enter user address in the TO field. The user’s address can also be resolved either by clicking Check Names button in menu or from Suggestion List which pops-up while typing user’s name.
  3. Select or clear the Keep an updated copy of this task on my task list check box and the Send me a status report when this task is complete check box.
  4. Type instructions or information about the task in the body.
  5. Click Send


If a recurring task is assigned, a copy of task is created in task list but it won’t be updated. If Send me a status report when this task is complete check box is selected, a status report will be received for each completed occurrence of the task. Accept or decline a task request

  1. Open the task or task request.
  2. Click Accept or Decline. Reclaim ownership of a declined task

  1. Open the task that contains the decline task request
  2. Click Return to Task List