
Recipients — Using the recipient table.


Recipients are used to specify the receiving entities for a specific message.

The structure of a recipient array in PHP is as follows. When recipients are set, you should use mapi_createoneoff() to create the right PR_ENTRYIDs:

Example 2.7.  Recipient table

// Create array of recipients usable by the PHP MAPI functions
$recipientarray = Array(Array(PR_ENTRYID => mapi_createoneoff("John Doe", "SMTP", ""),
                              PR_DISPLAY_NAME => "John Doe",
                              PR_ADDRTYPE => "SMTP",
                              PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS => ""
                              PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE => MAPI_TO),
                        Array(PR_ENTRYID => mapi_createoneoff("Steve Ballmer", "SMTP", ""),
                              PR_DISPLAY_NAME => "Steve Ballmer",
                              PR_ADDRTYPE => "SMTP",
                              PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS => ""
                              PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE => MAPI_CC),
                        Array(PR_ENTRYID => mapi_createoneoff("ConnecTUX", "SMTP", ""),
                              PR_DISPLAY_NAME => "ConnecTUX",
                              PR_ADDRTYPE => "SMTP",
                              PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS => ""
                              PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE => MAPI_BCC));

To set or get recipients, use the mapi_message_modifyrecipients and mapi_message_getrecipienttable methods.